Zero Liquid Discharge - A Technology Used for Wastewater Treatment
Zero Liquid Discharge is the most demanding technology to maximize fresh, reusable water and minimize waste. The implementation of ZLD technology reduces water pollution and elevates the water supply.
High costs and intensive energy consumption constrain the technology. Zero liquid discharge is a wastewater management strategy that eliminates liquid waste and maximizes the efficiency of water usage. In recent years this technology has attracted renewed interest worldwide.
Human beings and Industrial sectors consume substantial amounts of fresh water while producing vast quantities of wastewater.
Freshwater scarcity, one of the most critical global challenges, poses a significant threat to economic growth, water security, and ecosystem health.
If inadequately treated, wastewater discharge into the aquatic environment causes severe pollution that adversely impacts marine ecosystems and public health.
Climate change, economic development, and industrialization pressures challenge providing adequate and safe drinking water.
Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children’s lifetime. The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land.
Luna Leopold
ZLD prevents the risk of pollution associated with wastewater discharge and maximizes water usage efficiency, thereby balancing the exploitation of freshwater resources and preserving aquatic environments.
These are some of the benefits of Zero Liquid Discharge Technology
With the help of this advancement, we can decrease the cost associated with waste management and lower the waste volumes.
Approved and followed all the industrial and government policies and regulations of wastewater treatment for reusability or discharging it into nature.
Off Site wastewater disposal is reduced to its lower level and greenhouse gas impact.
Melting of ice can recover resources like sodium chloride or ammonium sulfate fertilizer salt during the Industrial Effluent Plant.
Zero Liquid Discharge Importance
Some organizations use the solid waste of it to make them reuse as per their need. Zero Liquid Discharge is used to recover valuable resources from wastewater.
Installing and operating in-house ZLD Plants can reduce the cost of wastewater disposal and make water reusable. The impact on the local ecosystem and climate can also be lower as offsite disposal trucks are not used, leading to fewer greenhouse gases.
As an essential wastewater management strategy, the implementation of zero liquid discharge is growing globally to reduce water pollution and water supply.
High costs and intensive energy consumption will be the main barriers to its adoption for wastewater treatment. With the ZLD treatment, feedwater salinity increases and the minimum energy is required for desalination.
Therefore, the energy demand of ZLD, along with its associated costs, will still be higher than that of conventional wastewater treatment or disposal options.
Zero liquid discharge is an advanced technology that includes ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, evaporation/crystallization, and fractional electro deionization. By treating wastewater through recycling and then recovery and reuse for industrial purposes.
In previous times, ZLD systems were typically based on a series of thermal processes. In the pretreatment step, the feed wastewater undergoes that reduction in scaling potential. Then the feedwater is concentrated sequentially by two core elements: a brine concentrator and a crystallizer (or an evaporation pond). Further processed for landfill disposal or reused as valuable byproducts after solids are produced or in evaporation ponds.
As the severe consequences of water pollution are increasingly recognized and attract more public attention, stricter environmental regulations on wastewater discharge are expected, pushing more high-polluting industries toward Zero Liquid Discharge. Intensified freshwater scarcity caused by both climate change and freshwater overexploitation will likely facilitate ZLD implementation.
Fresh and groundwater are precious because of drying underground water and wastage of water on earth. For that, it's important to use this precious resource with minimum wastage. Water for industries is threatened until it's not treated. Many industries require water on a low or at a large scale.
Some of them use it and discharge it as waste which can affect the availability of water & can damage the environment by their polluted water. Wastewater discharge into nature is monitored by the Indian Government's Clean Water Act of 1974.
India, USA and China have been leading for zero liquid discharge regulations for their industry and business where water and waste are more than normal in the last decade.
As many rivers and lakes are polluted by industrial wastewater, more strict regulations and rules come into the role of Zero Liquid Discharge plants for the industry that discharge effluent before making it into nature.
An organization can target zero liquid discharge for the regulations and government restrictions and demonstrate its corporate responsibility and goodwill towards Mother Nature.